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Building Trust

April 12, 2013

The trust fall is a exercise that involves dropping everything you have on someone else. If you can trust someone you will fail and have to pick yourself up. If you put your trust in someone you believe that they’ll be there to catch you. This applies to a lot of things a leader needs to do. Everyone within an organization needs to be able to fall on their leaders and be able to trust that they have everyone’s overall well being in mind. Followers follow, because they have confidence that the leader knows what they are doing, even if as a leader you don’t know what you’re doing people need to be able to trust that you do. When your followers fall, they will be falling on you and for guidance and direction. This also applies to you as a leader in the aspect that you can fall on your followers. A trust between a leader and his employees, need to have built the trust up to where a leader can fall, or assign a task and know that its going to be done. The integrity of you as a leader is viewed by all, and if you have a follower slacking that you cant trust to do something in a timely manner and correctly it will reflect badly upon you. If someone breaks your trust and fails to follow through it will not come back to them it will come back on your performance, which is where all the eyes are looking. When you delegate something you need to be able to trust in who you appoint, if you can’t fall on someone you need to know that.

How the Best Leaders Build Trust

Every leader has a different way of showing respect to their followers. I think respect and trust go hand in hand and you can’t have one without the other. People don’t conform to those who don’t show respect. There’s no incentive to be accountable to someone who shows no love in return. It’s important for leaders to respect their followers because they need to know that they have a trusting bond that is loyal and shows results for both parties.

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